Travel Through the Amazing World of Wild Animals
Book cover, “Travel Through the Amazing World of Wild Animals” book from Discovery Kids Factivity series
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Factivity: Travel Through the Amazing World of Wild Animals: Discover the Facts! Do the Activities! Is part of the Factivity series of Discovery Kids. (In Some countries the series might be better known as the Gold Stars’ Factivity series) This is an activity book that illustrates facts about animals by reading and completing activities, puzzles, mazes, and more. This book covers all sorts of animal behaviors and characteristics, from camouflage in tropical rainforests to tricks for finding water in the desert, to special bodies built for swimming, staying warm in polar regions, and more! If you want to take a look at the inside of the book more, take a look at this video from Minibabycare Books.
Inside of the book, “Travel Through the Amazing World of Wild Animals” book from Discovery Kids Factivity series
Inside of the book, “Travel Through the Amazing World of Wild Animals” book from Discovery Kids Factivity series
Plus point:
Each spread of the book covers different subjects (from habitat to the characteristic of animals, and the animals themselves) so it is easy to stop whenever a child takes interest in one area and pick up after you’ve both explored all the interesting facts on the page. In fact, we recommend letting your child choose the subject that interests them most that day and deep-diving into the world of that page for the entirety of that lesson.
Discussion points with your kid:
Having activities that correspond with the information you just read help your child retain the information they just read.. During an activity, ask them questions like: “Can you tell me about your drawing? “Why are you using the colors you are using?”. Remind them of the information you covered on the page while they draw, color, and continue their own exploration.
Inside of the book, “Travel Through the Amazing World of Wild Animals” book from Discovery Kids Factivity series
Although the illustrations in this book are very beautiful and colorful, you may also want to show your child real photos or videos of the same animals so that they can see the animal’s true form, colors, and characteristics. For example, if you are reading about how chameleons change colors to blend into their surroundings, find realistic nature videos like this one on YouTube with your child by your side. Not only are you are showing them how fascinating chameleons are, but you are also showing them how they can take their curiosity to the internet to research more about a topic that interests them using the right keywords.
Inside of the book, “Travel Through the Amazing World of Wild Animals” book from Discovery Kids Factivity series